Giving Tuesday 2024!

This fundraiser supports Partner with PUST
About This Fundraiser
Double your impact this Giving Tuesday by donating to Partner with PUST and having your gift matched dollar for dollar up to $7,500! Help us reach our goal today!
PUST is a place of opportunity and hope for its North Korean students. Not only do these students receive an excellent education that sets them up to make crucial advancements for their people post-graduation, but they also get unmatched exposure to outside ideas, knowledge, and values. PUST faculty are able to reach and impact these students - the nation’s future leaders - in an unprecedented way. Join us in furthering the school’s mission by partnering with PUST this Giving Tuesday!
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About Partner with PUST

One of the greatest, daily challenges PUST faces is financing the most fundamental of operations. Providing for basic needs is an invaluable way to connect to the students. Your support of Partner with PUST will help cover the school's essential operating costs, affording the leadership and faculty the freedom to focus on PUST's mission: to educate and inspire. Partner with us as we undertake this historic opportunity to impact this region's future leaders.
This year, we are specifically raising funds to help feed the PUST community. Food is not only one of the most basic necessities PUST provides to every student, professor, and staff member on campus, but also one of the school's greatest outreach opportunities. Mealtimes bring students and faculty together in a setting that allows for deeper conversations and connections to form. It is in these simple, yet profound moments that His love and truth can break through into the hearts and minds of PUST students. Help continue to make these opportunities possible by making a donation today!