PUST DMS Building Project

Keelia님의 모금활동

본 모금활동은 PUST Division of Medical Sciences (평양과기대 의학부)를 후원합니다

US$0 모금
이 프로젝트를 위한 모금활동이 마감되었습니다.

모금활동 소개

Over the next three years, PUST DMS will open graduate level programs in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Public Health, and Nursing at PUST. Students enrolled in these programs will be trained to meet worldwide standards in their respective fields. In order to effectively carry out this vision, PUST DMS needs to build a new facility to both house these programs and provide students with the proper environment to become well-equipped medical professionals. Please take part in making this vision a reality by helping fund the PUST DMS Building Project.

최근 후원자

공개적으로 후원된 금액이 없습니다.

PUST Division of Medical Sciences (평양과기대 의학부) 소개

Please visit the PUST Division of Medical Sciences website at www.pustdms.org.

The mission of PUST DMS is to compassionately and collaboratively address the medical needs of the people of Northeast Asia. Training will be drawn from international expertise and research so that students of the PUST Medical Sciences meet worldwide standards in their respective fields.

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